Visitors to Irthlingborough today will find very little evidence of what an important – and busy – commercial street our High Street has been, even until the close of the twentieth century. We are thankful for the memories of our residents and for these preserved images.

Burdett’s Outfitters was the “go to” place in Irthlingborough for clothing for men, women and children alike.

The High Street was an important social location as well as commercial. Groups would meet here for numerous reasons, gathering for a festival, a church parade, or to wait for transport for an outing.

It’s interesting to try to place the location of any of these old photographs. Sometimes all you have to go on is the profile of the roofline. In truth, though, so many buildings have been demolished and replaced that in many instances only tiny architectural details can give a clue to the location depicted.

The Vine Inn survived to the end of the twentieth century and remains in the memories of today’s residents. It has, nonetheless, now been razed to the ground and replaced by a block of flats, Vine Court.